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Svetlana: I come from a good family. I respect my paren...

  • 51 años mujer, Zodiaco: Sagitario
  • Odesa, Ukraine
  • Physical education teacher
  • 2 hijos
  • última vez en línea: Ayer, 20:53
  • ID: 1001767691
  • Amigos:
 Nivel de confianza -  78%
Datos privados e información de contacto
Detalles personales
Sexo mujer
Niños 2 hijos
Desea hijos Te lo diré después
Altura 5'8" - 5'9" (171-175cm)
Tipo de cuerpo Atlético
Origen étnico Caucásico
Religión Ortodoxo
Estado civil Divorciado
Educación Cierto grado de universidad
Fumador No
Bebedor No
Detalles de la persona que usted está buscando
Yo busco hombre
Buscando un rango de edad 40-75
Buscando por estatura
Buscando por tipo de cuerpo
Relación Actividades de pareja, Amistad, Matrimonio, Relación, Romance, Casual, Pareja de viaje, Amistad por correspondencia
I come from a good family. I respect my parents. Well-mannered, intelligent, educated woman. I gained self-sufficiency at the age of 18. I have two degrees. I love to work, learn something new, always purposeful, active, lead a healthy lifestyle, taking care of my health. I work as a physical education teacher at school.
Descripción de pareja ideal:
Since I am a very punctual woman and go through with everything, I prefer the determined type of man with a touch of sensuality.
I strongly dislike drunkenness, drug addiction. It is important for a man to monitor his health.
For me, appearance, money, status does not matter - this is everything that comes and goes. It is important to have constant qualities such as masculine character, responsibility, reliability, loyalty to the beloved woman, loyalty, purposefulness, fair, loving, caring, so that he lives with heart and soul like me.
FechaTítuloAncho x AlturaDuraciónVista
2021-11-17enjoy my job1920 x 1080 3:46Vista
2021-11-17something from me1920 x 1080 1:09Vista
2021-11-18Winter sonata 1920 x 1080 0:30Vista
2022-05-09happy evening1280 x 720 1:23Vista
2022-05-13sports evening720 x 480 1:13Vista

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